Cacingkepanasan Blog: Literacy and Poem

Thursday, January 19, 2006

qo begitu ya...

Well, sebenernya agak ribet juga niy di dalem otak gw. Banyak banget yang dipikirin padahal sebenernya ga perlu2 banget buat dipikirin (lho?). Ada yang bisa jawab ga kenapa di seluruh bagian di dunia ini, ya setidaknya sih di kawasan asia aja, jangan jauh2 deh, di indonesia aja lah, yang namanya perempuan ato yang setidaknya merasa perempuan punya kewajiban buat ngerjain semua urusan kaya nyuci2 piring and what soever urusan rumah tangga sejak dia masih anak pitik sampe dia udah beruban? Padahal kan mustinya para laki2, ayah, kaka cowo, dan yang ngerasa jadi cowo di rumah, di dunia ini juga punya tanggung jawab buat ngurusin hal2 kaya gitu. Kalo kata gw ga ada alesan lah mereka bisa ngeles dari hal2 kaya gini dengan bilang “lho, aku kan nyari duit buat makan “. ato “ah, cape. Kamu kan yang cewe mustinya ngerjain kerjaan yang kaya ginian. Ini bukan urusan cowo.” ga ada!!!!
bukannya malah dalam urusan kaya gini perempuan dan laki2 mustinya bisa kerjasama biar ga ada yang ngerasa ditindas, ato setidaknya seperti itu. Soalnya walopun emang kodratnya, banyak orang bilang begitu siy, perempuan itu kerjanya ya ngurus rumah tangga. Tapi dipikir2 apa laki2 tu ga ngerasa kasian gitu ngeliat kalo cewe2 tu kerjanya cuma begitu2 aja. Keliatannya ga ada habis2nya. Mulai dari bangun tidur misalnya dia musti nyiapin keperluan orang2 rumah, nyuci2, ini itu, banyak deh. Apa ga bisa sedikit aja ngebantu, walopun itu cuma ngeberesin ruang tamu yang keliatan berantakan walopun ga disuruh.
Yah, mo gimana juga, dari jaman nenek moyang sampe jaman gw ga tau kapan juga, cewe tu ya kerjanya begitu. Sucks.. cape...
kadang gw juga ngerasa ga betah di rumah. bawaannya pengen aja keluar dari rumah. rasanya ga ada yang bisa bikin gw betah di rumah. ya si mamih suka marah2 lah, belom lagi kaka cw gw yang suka ujug2 ga puguh gitu suka marah2 dan semua orang di rumah dapet semprotannya dia. kalo udah kaya gitu rasanya pengen aja ngilang dari rumah, ada di manapun gw ga peduli asal ga di tempat yang namanya rumah yang isinya keluarga gw. kadang gw bingung sendiri di mana rumah gw sebenernya. tempat dimana gw bisa nyaman, tempat gw bisa betah, aman sentosa (alah...). kapan gw bisa pnya rumah sendiri, jauh dari keluarga gw yang kadang2 suka rese. tapi gw tau kalo kaka2 co gw bisa ngebuat betah gw di rumah. ga tau kenapa rasanya lebih nyaman aja kalo mereka ada di sisi2 gw kalo ada di rumah. feels like hell when they r not home..

Time goes on

Time goes on

Don't you see how it distresses me?

So much I've tried to conceal my sadness

I laugh but my eye always gazing outside the window

I wonder what the real you is doing right now

Do you ever think about me?

The raindrops falling on the thin roof inform me of the season to come

How many times it change but still I'm thinking of you

The starry sky always remind me about you

Do you still have wants to sink in the deep blue?

No matter how much I've prayed for that time to come back

Time would still past by and never come back

Leaving me behind with no one to hold me

But still I want you to remain smiling

Pieces of my body...

They have enough strength to fly across the great ocean

Too great that they could no longer look back to see what are left behind

How long the day and night have past by

But still I'm standing here watching your back that I can't recognize

All of a sudden, a thought occurred to me

What am I doing here?

If I feel this painfully, so why I feel it?

The empty street

The empty street

I don't know why I turn to this empty street

I forgot what I was looking for

But I know I haven't found it

Did somebody in this wide world ever notice me?!

I want you to notice me

I want you to want me

This nerve is surely killing me slowly

I know I don't want to be lonely

But I don't know why I turn to this empty street

And I know something has to make you run

Please tell me what it is...

So I try to open my eyes

I try to see what is surrounding me

But it misty around

I try to search somebody I know

But nobody there

I try to find out where I am

I think I'm lost

And I don't know where to go

Or should I standing here?



Through the million dreams I'm searching for the distant love

I spread my wings in that vast blueness

Sinking myself in the deep blue sky

Playing with the wind as it twist me around

Counting the very white cloud

I fly away through the unlimited galactic ocean

See the spring in Jupiter and Venus

Then I'll dance under the moonlight till its dawn

I see you smiling at me when you lead me to the silver moon

Is it real or is it just my fantasy?

If this is just dream please don't wake me up

Coz I don't want to wake up and see the reality

I don't want to see you turn your back on me

I want to see your smiling face forever

And don't ever wake me up

Coz tomorrow things will never be the same again

Coz tomorrow I can not meet you in the restless world called Earth

Coz tomorrow you will change

Coz tomorrow we have to end this fantasy forever

Coz from now on I can only see you in my million dreams of you

Let's fly away for the last time

Smile to me for the last time

Then I can remember your smiling face

But even if I can't I'll still love you tomorrow

Old shoe

Old shoe

I'm passing by this street with a pair of old shoe

Another car passing me fast

Another people I won't ever meet

I'm down this jagged street alone

But if I only knew what you feel about me now

And if I only knew that you'll ever get tired of me

Another raindrops falling on me

Another dirt under this old shoe

I'm standing here catching teardrops in my hands

Instead of running away like everybody else do

But if I only knew what went wrong with both of us

And if I only knew that there was somebody else

The chaos around is disappear as I end this up today

This old shoe is getting damage as my heart cracked

I'll rest this pair of old shoe and change it with a new one

As I rest my body and change my broken heart

So let me go home...

I'll fix this messed up place

I'll recreate the puzzle of our broken dreams

I'll draw this endless fantasy of ours

So I can go down this jagged street once again

And I want to go home now...

I want to rest my eye...

I want to rest my heart...

I want to go home now...

Need 4 Speed @ Cipularang Highway

The clock on my aunt car show 07.00
My cousins start the car engine. The sound of the VVTI-Toyota Vios engine echoing in the garage.

I opened the garage door. The doors opened.
Me and my cousins start the road trip to Jakarta.

First we go along the bandung street. It slow and we meet many traffic jam.

But, then we reach the Cipularang Highway.

My cousins take the toll card. And we go to the highway.

At few second, I don.t Reliaze, but then I see my cousins push the car speed.

It dosn't take ten second the gear changing to a high gear.


Me : (seeing my cousins right foot and the strange gear position) Hmm, what's gear we are?

Mycousins : I't five (looking at the highway)-(Five is maximum gear for Toyota Vios with Manual Transmition)

I see the right turn ahead and then the G-Force push my body to left when we eat that turn.

Then I look at the speedometer and se we are in 130 Kph.

Then the road become wide and we slalom over the slow car and bus.

Mycousins : I like this, it's very chalenging (still looking a highway-cause he drive for sure)

Me : What ?

Then The I feel The G-Force push my body left and right as we Slalom over the slow car.

Yeah, it feel so great. I wonder how it feel in 300Kph.

Enjoy Your Life ! #2

What is life? Breathing, Eating, Sleeping, All words with –ing? We just know that we are alive! So, what the meaning of enjoy your life? We feel that we always enjoying life. It’s good if u can enjoy your life, I mean that if we can’t enjoy our life, we wasting our time in this earth, do we? So, we have to enjoy our life, and grow ourselves in great way.

Sunday, January 15, 2006


123 let's Rock : )

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Location: Bandung, West Java, Indonesia

I just share what I thing it worth ed to share from my interest point-of-view. Basically its about Writing and music, but I share things that I think need to share.

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