Cacingkepanasan Blog: Literacy and Poem

Thursday, March 30, 2006

What Cacing Do in The Morning

Hi I'am cacingkepanasan, let me explain to you what I do in the morning

4 am: Wake up becoze my grandmother turn on the TV to watch a soap opera, Then I go to sleep again : P

4.30 am: My alarm start ringging, then I pick my Cell Phone and stop the alarm... yes I dont have an alarm watch in my room, so I have to use a cell phone alarm, but then I sleep again : P

5am: Wake up and then turn on the room light, still dizzy, I try to sear my clothes and trow it at my bed.

5.10: Take a shower and brush my teeth and so on... and so on....

5.45: Everthing ready and start to breakfast, then I go to the street and waiting for a city transportation, that will take me away from one place to another

That what I do, and How are u're morning?


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Location: Bandung, West Java, Indonesia

I just share what I thing it worth ed to share from my interest point-of-view. Basically its about Writing and music, but I share things that I think need to share.

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