Cacingkepanasan Blog: Literacy and Poem

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Pe-er Dari Cici

Wah dasar cici nih ngasih kerjaan ke cacing. Tentang 4 hal gitu deh....

4 jobs you've had in your life
tukang masak brownies, jadi bendahara ma sekretaris kelas (itu 'job' bukan?), jadi tukang ketik, jadi tukang nulis. (lho apa bedanya tukang ketik ma tukang nulis?)

4 Movies you could watch over and over
seven samurai, pelem2 bang benyamin, neon genesis evangelion, ghiblis's movie

4 TV shows you love(d) to watch
doraemon, desperate housewives, spongebob squarepants, chalkzone, card captor sakura, long vacation, beach boy, news no onna (anchor woman), samurai x, (lebih dari 4 ya he..he..he.. : P)

4 places you have lived
bandung, bandung, bandung, bandung (hidup Bandung huehe..he..he.. :P)

4 of your favorite foods
fruits, chocolate (of course), ice cream, sayur lodeh + sambel buatan mama cacing (enak lho, mo coba?)

4 websites you visit daily *only when I am online* (Pasti dunk He..he.. : P), yahoo, gmail(ngecek imel), google (adsense, analytics), dan pasti Oggix he..he..he.. (ups.... lebih lagi dari empat yak : P)

4 tagged
seperti biasa, cacing kirim ke Magi, Satame, hmmm siapa lagi ya? ah, spedaman ama hiking deh he..he..he..he.. :D


At 10:35 AM, Blogger Spedaman said...

wah Cing, gw dah pernah dapet pe er ttg 4 things tapi yg 4 makanan blum tuh. okay nanti ta tambahi lagi:D

At 3:58 AM, Blogger CacingKepanasan said...

Dhani: Ayo tambah lagi he..he.. :P

At 5:09 PM, Blogger WeSy 'CiCi' said...

hahaha.....akhirnya dikerjain jg PR nya. tak kirain gak bakal dibikin.
horeeee...cacing anak rajin. cici kasih nilai 1000 deh! wahhh...kebanyakn gak tuh?! huehehe :D

At 4:40 AM, Blogger CacingKepanasan said...

Cici: Iya, akhirnya cacing ada waktu luang lagi :)


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